Inform the form-reader (and blow your own trumpet).

What kind of form can capture a person’s attention and inspire them to read every single word and observe every detail? That can make them shake with excitement (and perhaps even cause a slightly queasy feeling)?

Well, the kind of form that, once completed, changes a person’s life – like a contract for selling a house.

At that moment in time, nothing is more important than that form – it has the reader’s undivided attention. The sink could over-flow, their son could be practising the trumpet, the final of The Block could be on – it doesn’t matter, the reader is combing over the detail and making sure everything is as it should be.

What an opportunity!

The ideal way to inform the form-reader about:

  • marketing options
  • incentives for referrals
  • your agency’s profile details
  • helpful Vendor/Tenant/Landlord checklists
  • additional services you and your agency provide
  • anything else you may have in your “kit” when you visit a client

Within REI Forms Live, your form and agreement creation tool, you have the option of adding pdf’s to any form. Clients will receive the form and attachments as one single document.

One single document!

So, there’ll be no more “There was an attachment?” or “I only received the contract” or “You can’t have sent it”.

And it’s really simple to do:

  1. Select the desired form from the list
  2. Click the button from the actions at the top of the screen
  3. A dialog will appear prompting you to select the attachment desired
  4. Click button
  5. Select desired attachment and click button
  6. Click button

Further details can be found in our help guide.

The Form Guru