Electronic signing and inclusion of Landlords Insurance question

In collaboration with CGU, REINSW has introduced a new online Landlords Insurance solution called REALTYPROTECT that has been designed "from the ground up" to be integrated with REI Forms Live.

It's a super-easy insurance to offer your landlords - getting a quote is literally a two-click task via an online process, and you are prompted to ask whether a quote is required each time you complete either version of the Managing Agency Agreement (MAA).

Policy features are competitive with other products in the market.

To have this feature activated your agency must first sign a short Distributor Agreement with CGU.

Electronic Signatures

BONUS - when you sign the Distributor Agreement and have the Landlords' Insurance feature activated you will also be given the option for using electronic signatures on the MAAs. This means you'll be able to complete an MAA sign up on your tablet even when you're not in the office!

You can find out more about Landlords' Insurance from the insurance menu item on www.reinsw.com.au. For further information or to arrange a demonstration please contact Bill Sharland of REINSW on 0411 013 853 or email him at bsharland@reinsw.com.au.